Actually, Hurricane Katrina isn't that recent... it's been 5 years. The lack of progress in New Orleans is disheartening. Along with the lack of progress there just aren't any jobs. Disaster + Recession = Dire Straits.
So a group of Avant home business owners traveled - on their own dime - to New Orleans, to assist one of the hardest hit areas of town. They built and planted gardens. Built and stocked a parish pantry. Built chicken coops and bought egg laying chickens. Oh, and the pantry will be stocked by Avant on an ongoing basis. They taught the parish children how to sustain their garden.
We're thankful for our success; we enjoy a lifestyle that many people feel is unattainable (although it's not). There are many ways to give back - this is just the way we chose to give back at that time. We were happy to help, and we look forward to doing something similar again.